Business Litigation

In business litigation, the stakes are high. If you hire The People’s Advocate, you can feel comfortable knowing your whole case will be handled by an attorney with 30+ years of experience, who can give you the personalized attention you need. We put our focus on clients and results. We know the laws of Florida, the changes happening here, and all of the important people that can help us do our job better. Our network is well-organized, and through it we are able to provide great results for our clients.

Business disputes can take a lot of time and shift your focus away from core business tasks. And filing lawsuits can turn out to be expensive—which is why we always try to be moderate with fees. After our FREE initial Information Session, we can inform you of your rights and advise you on strategies.

The first step is to negotiate. Often negotiating yields better results than can be achieved in court. With years of study and training, we are very persuasive and often able to convince both parties to come to agreeable terms and make a settlement out of court. This is the best solution for both sides.

But if the case does go to court, we have the wherewithal to bring out the big guns as well.

Business law clearly establishes a plethora of laws and regulations to which every business must conform in running, purchasing, and selling a business. But there are slight differences from industry to industry. Advertising laws, environmental regulations, and labor law are just some them.

Some of the more general business law provisions are issued by the federal government, while the more specific provisions are issued by local and state governments.

This is why we tend to do things locally here at The People’s Advocate law firm. We have been practicing business law for decades, and our knowledge and extensive experience are always at the service of people working in Fort Lauderdale and Hollywood, Florida.

There are several government agencies that track the operations of business organizations. If an official complaint is made against your establishment and it is put under investigation, or if such an agency files a suit against your business, a good attorney becomes a necessity.

Moreover, a business can easily get involved in an environmental issue, especially in the manufacturing industry where there are numerous emissions, waste, and raw materials involved. In that case, an experienced attorney can help you to pin the responsibility and the cleanup costs on the party whose actions actually lead to the environmental disaster.

Simply put, if you have no previous experience dealing with legal business matters, you will expose your establishment to any number of risks, and you might also fail at protecting your interests. Let The People’s Advocate fight for you.

Knowledge is power. Know your rights.

Call us today to arrange a FREE Information Session.
