
You Barely Look at the Contract, and it Makes Decisions for Your Children

You Barely Look at the Contract, and it Makes Decisions for Your Children

Were you aware, when you signed that timeshare contract, that you may have been making decisions for your children? It’s true. Among the many sleazy tactics and provisions the timeshare industry foists upon the unknowing and unwilling during the high-pressure sales presentations that culminate signed contracts is something called “perpetuity…
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Do Those Timeshare Points Have any Resale Value?

Do Those Timeshare Points Have any Resale Value?

We can’t claim to know exactly what those salespeople promised you when they sold you those timeshare points. Why not? Because they may have promised you anything at all. As long as it isn’t in writing in the contract you signed, they know you can’t prove it. But one claim…
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Accusations of Elder Abuse in the Timeshare Sales Scheme

Accusations of Elder Abuse in the Timeshare Sales Scheme

The timeshare sales industry has always had a particularly hungry eye for the elderly. But the switchover from the previous format of timeshare interest “ownership”—in which the interest owned was tied to a particular timeperiod at a particular property—to the newest format for this scheming industry, the concept of “points,”…
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Accountability for Timeshare Resale Companies

Accountability for Timeshare Resale Companies

It’s a familiar scenario. The owner of some number of weeks or points at a timeshare receives a call or an email claiming that the person or company contacting them has owners lined up to purchase those timeshare credits. But in order to broker the exchange, they will need a…
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When Even Timeshare Donation Services Are a Scam

When Even Timeshare Donation Services Are a Scam

Sometimes even what sounds like a generous deed can go sour. It isn’t uncommon for timeshare owners who find they dislike the reality of timeshare ownership to look into donating their timeshares to charities. The thought—and it’s not a bad one at first blush—is that, if the “owner” can donate…
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A Business Model Built on Lies

A Business Model Built on Lies

Even as timeshare companies have moved away from the standard soft option of set-in-stone “weeks” and toward the even softer option of “points,” their tactics and the lies they tell have multiplied. As have the number of people they loop into their schemes. The whole business model is built on…
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The Timeshare Company May Give Your Information to More Scam Artists

The Timeshare Company May Give Your Information to More Scam Artists

They won’t admit it without a fight, but there is mounting evidence that timeshare companies—or some of the crooks they hire, or both—are more than willing to pass your personal information forward to other scam artists. It makes sense, when you think about it. They’re willing to lie, cheat, cajole,…
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Those Who Do Not Regret Buying Timeshares are Few

Those Who Do Not Regret Buying Timeshares are Few

There’s a good reason the crooks who shill timeshares have begun shying away from calling what they sell “timeshares.” It’s because the word has gotten out: timeshares are an albatross around the neck of anyone who buys them. Even people who use them often—every year—find themselves regretting having bought them.…
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